I've been out of work for over a year now, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel so far. I swear the available jobs are getting fewer and farther between. I keep hearing that new jobs are being created, but I'm just not seeing any of them. I wonder where they are going, and what kind of jobs they are. Any of you others out there who have been out of work having any luck? I'd had plans to try to get into teaching art and had been accepted to start my Masters in Education to go with my Art degree, but then I couldn't get the financial aid I needed. I couldn't justify taking out $18K in students loans when there is no guarantee that there would even be any art teacher positions available, much less that I would actually get chosen for one. Having $18K in debt and still not having a job? No thanks. If anything does happen to come up for an art teacher position, I can still apply and if I'm hired I can have a temporary certification through the PACE program, so it's not completely off the table. My PRAXIS scores are supposed to be good for 10 years I think before I have to retake them.
It's very discouraging to apply to job after job after job and not even hear anything back from most of them. I'm overqualified for so much of the work that's posted, and not nearly qualified enough for the rest of it, it seems. I obviously can't get a job in medicine, and it's surprising how many of those types of positions are open in this area! A vast majority of the job postings I see are medical, sales (over my dead body), military recruitment, or "business opportunities". Ugh. This sucks.