I went out on the boat with some friends today to fish out in the ocean. It was a banner day for fishing! The weather was gorgeous, the seas were calm, and the fish were biting like nobody's business. At one point I had two hooks on my pole and caught two fish at once! Pam managed to do that almost every time she put her pole in the water. She also caught a humongous Trigger fish!! (Makes me wonder what exactly she was using for bait. And where can I get some for next time?) My DH even caught TWO sharks! Mostly we caught black sea bass, but there were a few pin fish, toad fish, lizard fish and flounders in the mix too. I caught my first flounder today! It was almost a keeper too, but it was a half an inch too short. Rats! But wasn't it a beauty? My friend Shannon was kind enough to hold it for me while I snapped a picture.
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2 months ago