Sunday, April 17, 2011

Missing in Action

Well I finally found a job!  Hooray!  Of course now that means I'll be neglecting my blog even more since I won't have a lot of time to dally on the computer.  But since I'll be working at a bank as a teller, and the busy summer season is coming upon us quickly I hope I'll get to see and hear some interesting stuff to report to my dear readers.

I don't suppose I'll be as relaxed on the job as LOL Cat over there.  But I can always hope. I've made it through my first week, so I'm off to a good start. I imagine it will be a battle not to put all the weight I lost back on.  They have chocolate and candy EVERYWHERE, and on Mondays and Fridays they put out plates of fresh bakery cookies and lemonade. I have yet to be able to resist! But I bought lots of healthier snacks today to keep at my teller window, so hopefully I won't be as tempted anymore.  I'm keeping my expectations low for now.  My track record with yumminess is not so stellar!


  1. Yayyyyy! Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you!!!

  2. Thanks Marvin! It sure took long enough. :)

  3. Congratulations!! What wonderful news. If you discover the secret to awesome willpower. please share -- so far that's just a part of my brain that I'm missing. :)

  4. Thanks, Spleeness! So far the only thing I can do is replace cookies and candy with another snack. I'm really digging Planter's Sweet & Crunchy Peanuts right now. YUM.
