Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Brandishing a Circular Saw. Yea, Power Tools!


  1. Don't point that thing at me... as much as you CAN point a circular saw. ;-)

  2. haha, I'm laughing at Marvin's comment.

    When I see pictures like this, I always want to chant, "you go girl!"

  3. You look especially happy in that photo. I would too, except for after that I'd probably be missing some fingers or a hand and then I wouldn't be smiling.

  4. Marvin - Don't worry, it will only hurt a little bit.

    Spleeness - Me too! I always feel so proud when I get to use a power tool. I hate those stupid pink tool kits they make for women. What, like women can't use a hammer unless it's PINK? How patronizing.

    Kathy - There's actually only a small part of the blade open. The rest has a cover to keep such things from happening quite so frequently. But just to be safe, we'll keep you away from the saws for now. :)

  5. yay power tools! I usually just hold them and make lots of noise but don't know how to use them half the time...I mean, I DO...but not WELL...because I have no upper arm strength
